WP 1.0.1 Upgrade
Saturday, February 21st, 2004 at 2237Well, I’ve finally managed to drag my script screaming into WordPress 1.0.1 territory and it wasn’t nearly as hard as it probably should have been.
I did, however, manage to delete half of my htdocs folder thanks to a bit of a slip with the old FTP program. This is bad, as I lost my .htaccess files and I have NO idea what on earth was in it before it died.
I’ll re-write it as soon as I remember what it did.
Also the theme switching is in for an overhaul because some bright spark at WordPress HQ had the blog header file send out headers, meaning that cookie-setting on the main site is now a no-go. I’m looking for a workaround that won’t do too much damage to the WP backend. More to come.
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