Woke up this morning…
Tuesday, July 13th, 2004 at 2224…Got outta bed…
Sound like the blues? Yes. That’s my poor explaination for the lack of updates. Feeling blue, poor and stressed.
Normal service to resume soon, those of you who know me will know what I mean when I say I’m putting an edge on that sword ready for the bailiffs 😉
Anyone who wants to put some cash towards some decent personal defence, my paypal address is a hotmail one in the name of Denyerec.
sorry i’ve got no cash either
but if its personal defence your after then http://www.blades-uk.com/ has some vicious looking shit.
This is what you’ll really be wanting 😉 several thousand points out of ten for cool. 😀
(scroll down to see how stupidly big it is)
whoo- the sight of that broad-sword triggering back my hunger for a nicely folded katana… hope you end up gettin it, man 😉