
Monday, December 8th, 2003 at 1348

This from the BBC today made me think about how I used to get angry or depressed about stats like this. “Innocent” teenagers shagging like rabbits, getting pissed daily and smoking pot, etc.. Really used to get to me. Now? Well now I’m old enough (And the people closest to me are no longer involved) to step back and go “Screw that lot”. If they want to kill themselves, why should we care? Well there’s one reason and that’s the NHS budget over the next 20 years, and the impact that the diseases and health problems will have on the benefit system. Solution? Scrap benefits and public healthcare? Maybe, but that hasn’t helped the US (Just in case you were wondering, I’m uneomployed and refuse to claim dole handouts.). What is the solution? Education, education, education (TM) ? Doesn’t seem to help either, as how can you tell people not to have “fun” ?

Either way, why should I care afterall, with my squeeky clean track record I’m going to reach 100…
…and be paying through the nose in NI and tax to keep the drugged out, syphillis infected idiots alive on the NHS and disability benefits. ..


One Comment for “Timebombs”

  1. woodss Said this on

    So therefore, you need to go out and get pissed. And high. And go bareback!

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