
Friday, April 2nd, 2004 at 0850

If you cast your eyes to the right there, good sirs, you’ll notice a little quote. Today’s is by Winston Churchill, but today is the 2nd of April. Tomorrow, it will change. And the day after, and the day after that. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is a random daily quote generator! Coded my by own incompetant fair hand, it will display for you 1 quote per day. I’ve not yet gotten it to have the funky little quote marks seen on the BBC website as I’m not yet sure if that’s worth the effort.

If you’d like a copy to include on your wordpress log, or (given the fact it’ll work on any website and doesn’t require a MySQL database) any other website for that matter, just drop me a line.

2 Comment for “Quotage”

  1. lor3 Said this on

    I expect to see some of my wisdom in there some random day.

  2. MaZ Said this on

    Viewer.exe was genius lor3, but you spout bull$h1ts 😀

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