Orange Peel
Wednesday, March 17th, 2004 at 1251Shadow, a friend of mine from quakenet channel #Webdev, was asking about the themes (As well as pointing out something on the comments page, which I’ve updated so thanks for that.) and why is my site now sporting a fixed theme with some bright orange bits (That incidentally he doesn’t like, but loads of people seem to prefer… C’est la vie.).
Well, the answer is that WordPress 1.0.1 did something queer with their configuration script which means my old method for setting the theme in a cookie no longer worked. People have told me to fix it using ob_start() buffers but so far this has only served to utterly confuse matters. This is further complicated by the abomination which is my CSS file. CSS is great, but thanks to the “learning experience” approach of my website, it’s out of control. Way, way out.
Why don’t I fix it? I need to. I also need to re-write my gallery admin code because people are asking me about whether they can use it too which, right now, they can’t because it was, again, a learn-as-you-go site. Thing is, no-one is going to pay me to fix it up and the infernal beast known only as “The Landlord” demands that I spend my time on more profitable endeavours. I think I’ll set aside an hour a day to devote to redevelopment and get things done, else it’s going to be this way forever. Nuts.