OMG HaxzOr!

Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 at 1214

My site has not been hacked.
I have actually uploaded a new photograph.

I intend to do this once a day and once every 2 days at the slackest.

How long this crazy enthusiasm will last, I have no idea.

6 Comment for “OMG HaxzOr!”

  1. Andrew Said this on


  2. Zimmer Said this on

    About time, too ! Where is my pen, Looooook—? Vader !

  3. Phunky Said this on

    God damn! whats the world coming too! i mean next i maybe able to get net access up here outside of work!

  4. Zoomer Said this on

    good luck

  5. ericville Said this on

    schweet! i didn’t know you were a photographer 😉

  6. Zoomer Said this on

    So does this mean ya getting really slack now 😛

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