Needs more Jiggawatts!
Sunday, December 7th, 2003 at 1704Or at least, needs a little more refinement. Over the last week I’ve been trying to make my site a little more google friendly and for the most part, it’s working. Searching for M Denyer Photography, Denyerec, Denyerec’s Rants and Denyerec Gallery now all link to me!
However, Photos By A Man Called Denyer is still a long way off the mark.
Hurrah! Before they were pulling up random links and suchlike, but now they’re heading home. Hopefully with a bit of audience expansion, some news aggregation, some external links and 10 million dollars© I can get somewhere other than here. For whatever reason.
Thanks to Dies for the help with google!
More input. Neeeeed more input.
Category based listing to come. Thanks Shadow for the suggestion. Again. I love you really 😉
Oh yeah, thank shadow for the frickin catagories idea, who helped with the googling in the first place! 😀