Moving to Canada

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004 at 1709

If you were thinking of moving to Canada, it looks like now would be a good time to go through with it.

I would say “Unlucky, America.” but something deep down says that they’re not the ones who are going to end up paying.


3 Comment for “Moving to Canada”

  1. (am nutmegpie) » All right, bebes. Said this on

    […] door to this country for a whole world of flu shots. Wales is looking better and better. Denyerec’s got the right idea. It’s probably not so much America who is going to pay for t […]

  2. Ian Said this on

    It probably wouldn’t have made much difference if Kerry had got in. Despite all the election rhetoric the foreign policy is unlikely to have changed much. Seems the majority of Americans are short sighted and can’t see past their own border (or understand why the rest of the world doesn’t look/behave/believe like America). Why else would the baseball ‘world series’ consist of teams from…. America :)

    Cheer up, things could be worse – you could live in a country thats about to try and hand over sovereignty to a faceless bunch of corrupt bureaucrats more intersted in what shape a banana is than world politics :)

  3. Zoion Said this on

    I voted Green Party!

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