Black Death Vaccine

Thursday, February 19th, 2004 at 1635

They’ve finally found a vaccine for the black death, or bubonic plague. Most people think that plague died out in the middle ages, but it’s actually still around killing thousands in under-developed countries around the globe.

If only they could do the same for stupidity.

Millions would be saved.

3 Comment for “Black Death Vaccine”

  1. ashleyy Said this on

    where are some of the places beiung hit by the black death in 2005?
    How many are dying. if some one could find that information that would be very help ful thank-you

  2. Bob Barker Said this on

    Who was it that did find the vaccine for The Black Death?

  3. Denyerec Said this on

    As I recall, it was the UK Ministry of Defence’s Porton Down laboratory, referenced in the above BBC article.

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