Amazon Media Manager 1.5
Monday, August 8th, 2005 at 1129FINALLY!
It’s done. It *might* have some really arcane and weird bugs in it that we’ve not managed to find yet by accidentally forgetting to search amazon for depleted uranium in the “Homewares” section, but the main thing is, it’s finally ready.
This new version is for WordPress and above. That’s it. If you’ve got an older version of wordpress, UPGRADE NOW or figure out how to get it working for yourself, we won’t help you. 😉
The new version is so far removed from the old in terms of coolness and ease of use it’s insane, so the easiest thing for you to do is head over to the Sozu website and get yourself a copy of Amazon Media Manager for WordPress.
PLEASE NOTE: As people find minor glitches and HTML stuff-ups, we’re updating the downloadable version as we go, rather than waiting to release a “Fixed” version. I know this is naughty but hey… So, if you run into any difficulties with the AMM, please download and install the version on the Sozu website *first*, just in case the problem has already been addressed.
Sadly you won’t see it running on this blog just yet as I’m still on WordPress 1.0beta or something, but when I finally *do* get round to upgrading adn redesigning, it’ll be burning bright just over there in the sidebar. Or maybe the main body? Or maybe the header… Who could say. You can however see it in action so far at Randomtask and at Gabbages, thanks to both of them for doing some preliminary testing.
With that, good day!
Just got the new version installed and it looks great. Keep up the good work!
I have it up and running in my sidebar. It worked great. It’s the best plugin I have seen for this particular purpose. Thanks!
deny, you need to help me fix the plugin in my site.
I have installed it and added a book and want that book to be displayed in the right panel.
Now what code do i write in the sidebar.php to call the AMM?
You can mail me back at vamsi (at)
Will be waiting…
ok, now i am using this:
the title of the book is displayed in the same line of the book image, how do i bring it to the next line?
You need to edit the amm_default_output template function in amm_extras.php or, ideally, create a new function of your own. All this is described in Editing AMM Templates
I dont actually use this but going over and checking the new look to the suzo site was fun, the site looks great and seems like you doing work which is good to.
Ah, this plugin rocks… and Den is also great with help and support. Thanks so much!
I just found a small bug in amm_extras.php. In the amm_default_output function, you’ve got:
But it should be:
<li><?=$amm->imageLink();?><br />
Gabby, I really like your implementation of amm in the sidebar. I have to confess I’m new to all this, and I’ve tried to follow the documentation without success. Installed OK, but no further. Any chance you/someone could tell me how to do it in a really really simple way please, without assuming prior knowledge? Many thanks, Andrew
Andrew, Sure, I’d be glad to try to help you out… if you’d like you can e-mail me (, or better yet IM me. I use AIM – prdygrl103 is the username. A good time is at night, around 9pm EST. I’m usually home by then…
there’s also a minor spelling mistake in amm.php. line 1069 should read Descriptions not Descriotions.
I’d really like to use this option on my wordpress blog but I am no techie 😐
I got everything installed but I’m stuck at the template editing and the amm stuff – it’s kinda confusing. Thx -Keith
I’ve followed the documentation like Andrew and I was wondering if I can get a little help too!
I will be writing a short and more friendly tutorial based around two issues, firstly creating a basic sidebar listing, and secondly creating a “Latest Book Review” style page entry.
However, I also need to make rent, so these will be in the pipeline until I can spare some time to write ’em!
Hi there, this plug-in looks great, but I can’t seem to get it to work. I edited the ammextras.php file with the example code (“myfirst_go” template) and added this to a test post:
I also added the direct call into my sidebar to see how that would look, like this:
Both gave this result: “Template ammmyfirst_go could not be found. View HTML source for details.”
I don’t get it: am I missing something? Thanks in advance, I look forward to this working! -Jess
I’ve been searching for a way to get Amazon products in my wordpress blog. Sweet.
Thanks for the plugin
I got it working (finally) and it’s great 😀
Very nice! It lets me have a booklist in my sidebar – just what I wanted. But I want to remove the rating line… Any tips?
I cant seem to get the images to work and Ive tried all sort of configurations. Even just the obvious one of taking the code within amm_extras and reusing it but my browsers stalls when it tries to load the page.
Without the image call it works fine…
any tips..? Im pulling my hair out trying to work it out.
Sorry to bother.
There is a safety check that sometimes fails on certain eclectic server configurations. Look in the file amm_output.php and scroll down to line 604.
If you now comment out 604 through 607 inclusive by adding // to the start of each line and then upload the modified file, you should be back in business. It’s to do with the image filesize command not being allowed to execute on remote images I think.
I’m redesigning my website and this plugin is brilliant. Thank you so much for the great work. I did run into some problems, since I wasn’t familiar with PHP, but it’s all okay now. A very powerful plugin.
I have one request, though – in the next version, we should be able to specify our own image link instead of choosing from Amazon’s. The images from Amazon are too small, and I’d gladly host my own images if they were at least 100px wide.
Currently, I’m specifying the path for my own image under ‘userComments()’ as a workaround.
But great work!
I think you have overlooked one of the features of AMM, which is the ability to recover the fullsize images from Amazon…
Refer there and search the page for the functions autoImage() and imageLink()
They both allow you to stipulate a size (From 3 presets, or pixels) for the image you wish to present.
Is there a specific Role that a User needs to be set at to be able to access the AMM management interface from the Manage navigation in WordPress? I would like to allow a User of Role “Author” to be able to manage AMM using their login. Only the Administrator has access to Manage–>AMM right now, which doesn’t allow other users with lower Role levels to manage the AMM content.
I have the Role Manager (v1.3) plugin installed, which allows for more granular User capability configurations.
Any thoughts?
BTW, I have AMM 1.5 successfully installed and running on a client Web site, with users enjoying the functionality greatly. I made a few modifications to the PHP code to allow for output sorting per function by using the Brand function attribute. This effectively allows for subcategories — and using the Moo.fx Accordian with multiple amm_getMedia functions on a single page allows for a highly organized and usable interface (all of which degrades gracefully without JavaScript enabled).
I have just installed AMM, but when I go into Manage/AMM
I get the following errors at the top of the page:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘joben1wpi1.wpamm’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT DISTINCT ammproductGroup FROM wpamm ORDER BY amm_productGroup;
WordPress database error: [Table ‘joben1wpi1.wpamm’ doesn’t exist]
WordPress database error: [Table ‘joben1wpi1.wpamm’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT ammitemId, ammtitle, ammdateadded, ammrating, ammproductGroup FROM wpamm ORDER BY amm_dateadded DESC LIMIT 0, 5;
Please help.
i’m playing around with AMM and it’s great. thanks a lot. but i have problem similar with paul.
so should i make the table manually from phpmyadmin?
I did the table creation manually, and things are working OK.
I didn’t hack into the plugin code to see why the table creation code wasn’t firing, but I would guess that it needs to be updated… I am running php 5 and sql 4.1
in WP 2.?.? I found I needed to create table manuall. The mySQL code to do so is as follows.
ammitemId bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL autoincrement,
ammauthor varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammdirector varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammtitle varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
ammasin varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
ammproductGroup varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammpublisher varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammartist varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammlabel varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammmanufacturer varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammmodel varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammbrand varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
ammuserComments text NOT NULL,
ammrating smallint(10) NOT NULL default '0',
ammcountry varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
ammdateadded datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
ammsmallImageURL varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (ammitemId)
What I am trying to do now is create links within my blog posts to go to my aStore, NOT Amazon proper.
I searched some of your code and made the following changes
//Your code
return '' . $ext . '/exec/obidos/ASIN/' . $this->currentItem['amm_asin'] . '/' . $this->affiliate . '/';
//My changes
return '' .$ext . '/' . $this->affiliate .'/detail/' . $this->currentItem['amm_asin'] ;
I haven’t done much yet with my template but this shows a correct URL
totalItems(); $x++ ) :?>
So far so good!
Now – What I would like to do is be able to easily provide just links in my blog to my astore using simple code.
How do I make text links to the URL?