FAQ, Contact Me, Ugly backend…
Thursday, December 4th, 2003 at 0040I’m so glad the visiting public can’t see the backend of the gallery, it’s been overlooked amidst the recent updates so the colourscheme is a little, how shall I put it… bizarre?
You should notice a few more links on the site, top right, and on the right hand menu panel, for “Contact Me” and “FAQ”. No prizes for guessing what they do, but feel free to check them out. Heck, if you’re feeling bold you could even use the contact me form to send me a question for the FAQ… How’s that for user interaction? 😉
What’s left to do? More colourschemes would be nice, though not essential, other than that, the majority of the things you’ll see are done, with only the gallery backend requiring a complete re-write bit of tidying up.