$2, long time.
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 at 1738Reading the BBC today, I stumbled across this and it made me chuckle… it’s not so much that their OS has been ripped off, that kind of thing is almost expected in this day and age, but it’s the fact that it’s been ripped off so far before its release. It’s just a shame they’ve got hold of a built version, if they’d only managed to get hold of the source, perhaps the GPL community would have been able to do something noble with it. Such as removing unecessary horizontal scrollbars. Or something. Not that I’m bitter.
More photo’s to come soon, and I really should sort out some kind of link aggregator for the right hand menu over there…
Finally today (or at least, this afternoon) thanks to Mr DeKooter, a very good friend of mine, for helping me pick out some rather icier colours for the ice theme on the website. Cheers maj 😀
could do with a contacts page…
Cant wait to see more pics, I should be getting my new camera today btw :). so I imagine a burst of pic on my site soon.
Why is the title of this log $2,Long Time???
Because you can buy Longhorn for $2 in Malaysia, and as it’s Microsoft, it’ll take a long time to do anything….
Thank you very much for the info I was looking for, and Greetings from Malaga-Spain Antonio