Nothing much to say, but this article about flight caught my eye today. I wonder what else we were taught at school was complete drivel? Also I wonder, in these of sanitised education and “equal opportunities” whether the situation is worsening? 2+2=4, but I’m guessing these days, if you want it to equal 5 because the number 4 causes you personal offence, you’re fine and dandy.
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Is this really a rant?
All I wanted to do was bring to the attention of the public the availability of the following two peices of software. One is RealPlayer Alternative and one is QuickTime Alternative.
I am unsure as to the legality of these substitutes, but whoever wrote them deserves a lesser sentence than the evil, evil people who wrote the actual Realplayer and Quicktime video players. Such abortive, buggy and hopelessly bloated software should never see daylight, let alone become an internet Pseudo Standard.
Format your winows boxes today, and pop these beauties on your hard-drive instead of the virii we’ve all learned to hate, RealPlay.C.worm and Quicktime.Win32.Trojan…
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Probably not.
Well, happy new year to anyone out there who’s reading, though I’m not yet convinced whether it’s really going to be any different to the last one. I’m even used to writing 04 on cheques already. Why? Council tax and water rates of course!! Don’t you just love the government? I don’t mind spending my few pounds of saved money on something so long as it’s well spent, but with taxes you just never know. I think, given the amount they charge you simply for breathing in the UK, that they could afford to produce a penny-by-penny breakdown of exactly how the money is spent. Not just blanketting wages under “Overheads”. Wouldn’t it be nice to see a person-by-person salary breakdown, just so you know which fat-cat git took the money that was supposed to pay for just an hours more gas?
I’d like to find that man and wink at him suggestivly.
Then may he never sleep soundly again.
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